Field of Blood 2 - Farm der Angst
Dante YoreSchauspieler:
John Littlefield, Aimee Stolte, Tiana Tuttle, Mario Rocha, Taelyn Lewis, Brittany Bardwell, Jessica Chancellor, Meghan Carrasquillo, Mason Greer, Julia SmallNachdem Melanie (Tiana Tuttle) und ihre Freunde von der grausamen Killer-Familie überwältigt und zum Teil getötet wurden, befindet sie sich immer noch in ihrer Gewalt. Zusammen mit anderen Gefangenen plant Melanie die Flucht durch das dichte Maisfeld. Doch die angeblichen Farmer und ihre Kettensägen schwingenden Gehilfen sind ihnen dicht auf den Fersen.
Blutiger B-Sequel-Mix aus Mad-Scientist- und Survival-Horror.
After fighting for her life within a corn field maze and trying to outrun a number of murderous psychos, Melanie has regained consciousness to discover that she is now being held hostage by the Walker family, so they can continue to harvest her skin for their breakthrough skin care cream. Business is booming for the Walkers and Melanie soon finds that she’s not alone. Dozens of others are being held captive for their skin, as the family has plans to grow the business internationally. With one failed escape attempt under her belt, Melanie must once again fight for the opportunity to survive.
After fighting for her life within a corn field maze and trying to outrun a number of murderous psychos, Melanie has regained consciousness to discover that she is now being held hostage by the Walker family, so they can continue to harvest her skin for their breakthrough skin care cream. Business is booming for the Walkers and Melanie soon finds that she’s not alone. Dozens of others are being held captive for their skin, as the family has plans to grow the business internationally. With one failed escape attempt under her belt, Melanie must once again fight for the opportunity to survive.