Final Cut - Die letzte Abrechnung
Dominic Anciano, Ray BurdisSchauspieler:
Ray Winstone, Jude Law, Sadie Frost, Perry Benson, John Beckett, William Scully, Mark Burdis, Lisa Marsh, Ray Burdis, Dominic Anciano, Charlotte Andrew, Ali Brown, Victor Bruce, Simon Chapman, Serna CookEin Schauspieler stirbt unerwartet. Elf Freunde nehmen gemeinsam Abschied von ihm und stoßen auf Videoaufnahmen, die der Verstorbene heimlich von seinen Freunden gemacht hat. Diese zeigen die Betroffenen in einem völlig anderen Licht. Die Aufnahmen verraten schonunglos Geheimnisse, Intrigen und Lügen. Und sie zeigen den Freunden, warum der Schauspieler wirklich starb...
The film opens with the cast gathering after the funeral of Jude to see a film he had been working on for two years. It turns out that the film is secret videos of all those gathered together in their most despicable moments including thievery, spousal abuse, adultery, etc. The revelations remove the masks from the so-called close friends.
The film opens with the cast gathering after the funeral of Jude to see a film he had been working on for two years. It turns out that the film is secret videos of all those gathered together in their most despicable moments including thievery, spousal abuse, adultery, etc. The revelations remove the masks from the so-called close friends.