Final Fight
Michael MartinSchauspieler:
Snoop Dogg, Tray Deee, Goldie Loc, David Jean Thomas, Xzibit, Daniel Zirilli, Warren G., Soopafly, Mack-b, Darryl Brunson, RBX, Larissa Bordere, Biggg Jeffree, Buddy Daniels Friedman, Kim Proby, Kola MarionKilla Pop ist unbestrittene Herrscher der Eastsidaz Gang von Long Beach. Nun plant er gemeinsam mit seinen Kumpels Snap und Crackle einen gewaltigen Deal, der ihre Finanzen ein für allemal sanieren soll. Doch die beiden haben eigene Pläne und stellen Pop eine Falle. Pop wird verhaftet, wegen eines Mordes verurteilt, den er (ausnahmsweise) nicht begangen hat, und wandert in den Knast. Als er dort vom Verrat erfährt, plant er minutiös seinen Ausbruch und geht auf einen blutigen Rachefeldzug.
Snap, Crackle, and Pop are top dogs in the Eastsidaz gang in Long Beach. Pop, also known as Killa, is the alpha dog. He has Crackle and Snap set up a big drug deal that's going to put him on easy street. But Crackle and Snap have their own agenda: they kill the suppliers, take a suitcase of money, and set up Killa to take the fall. Stuck in the state pen in Chino, Killa has his gang figure out what really happened while he hatches an escape plan. Meanwhile, Crackle has kidnaped Killa's sweetie, Booboo, and the government has confiscated his assets. Can Killa Pop escape Chino, rescue Booboo, exact revenge, find the loot, and elude the police? Written by
Snap, Crackle, and Pop are top dogs in the Eastsidaz gang in Long Beach. Pop, also known as Killa, is the alpha dog. He has Crackle and Snap set up a big drug deal that's going to put him on easy street. But Crackle and Snap have their own agenda: they kill the suppliers, take a suitcase of money, and set up Killa to take the fall. Stuck in the state pen in Chino, Killa has his gang figure out what really happened while he hatches an escape plan. Meanwhile, Crackle has kidnaped Killa's sweetie, Booboo, and the government has confiscated his assets. Can Killa Pop escape Chino, rescue Booboo, exact revenge, find the loot, and elude the police? Written by