Fired - Mobben kann tödlich sein
Sajit WarrierSchauspieler:
Rahul Bose, Dinesh Lamba, Nassar Abdulla, Paul Clerkin, Sasha Desouza-Willock, Jolyon Dixon, Nickul Hathi, Yusuf Hussain, Mo Idriss, Vanessa Lam, Paul Lavers, Julie Leonard, Johnny Lynch, Ruchi Mehta, Militza RadmilovicAuf dem Höhepunkt der Wirtschaftskrise frisiert der junge Abteilungsleiter Joy die Bilanzen seiner Londoner Betriebsniederlassung, in dem er eines Tages ohne Vorwarnung innerhalb weniger Stunden 121 seiner Untergebenen und Mitarbeiter feuert, einschließlich der vormaligen Frau seines Herzens und des betagten Mentors, der ihm seinen Aufstieg erst ermöglichte. Hernach hockt er im Chefbüro, doch will der Siegersekt nicht schmecken. Vielmehr plagen ihn unheimliche Visionen, in denen die Entlassenen Rache an ihm üben. Bald ist Joy dem Wahnsinn nah.
Kurios anmutende, handwerklich ansprechend realisierte Mischung aus Drama und Horror, ein Bollywood-Film ohne Tanz und Sangeseinlagen, der vor Londoner Kulissen spielend sich mit beiden Händen bedient in Genremotiven aus dem Ausland und trotzdem stets erkennbar ein indischer Film bleibt. Zitiert wird mit vorliebe aus dem J-Horror, doch auch Dickens, "Poltergeist" und gar Folterhorror hinterlassen ihre Spur. Hauptdarsteller Rahul Bose hat mal als Werber gearbeitet und kann daher echte Büroerfahrung einbringen in diesen kalkulierten kleinen Kino-Skandal.
At the H.W.L.S HEAD OFFICE in LONDON, the egotistical maniac Joy Mittal the CEO of the company, decides to repair his scandal-ridden work record and prove to himself and his partners that he can, indeed, care for his family and be an able leader in an economic meltdown that effects everyone. He is responsible of firing almost half the employees in London and implement major cut-downs. In the turmoil that follows he decides to sack the manager RUBY, a 29-year-old seductress with whom he has been having an affair that affects his personal as well as his professional life. After a day of ultimate stress Joy finally decides to finish off all his paperwork and stand proud in front of his partners for a board meeting that will definitely change his life. Almost after 5 hours of the firing incident, the final two hours in the office is a stressful event. The real time depiction of the horrific time spent by JOY at the empty office filled with the curse of people who have been recently fired ...
At the H.W.L.S HEAD OFFICE in LONDON, the egotistical maniac Joy Mittal the CEO of the company, decides to repair his scandal-ridden work record and prove to himself and his partners that he can, indeed, care for his family and be an able leader in an economic meltdown that effects everyone. He is responsible of firing almost half the employees in London and implement major cut-downs. In the turmoil that follows he decides to sack the manager RUBY, a 29-year-old seductress with whom he has been having an affair that affects his personal as well as his professional life. After a day of ultimate stress Joy finally decides to finish off all his paperwork and stand proud in front of his partners for a board meeting that will definitely change his life. Almost after 5 hours of the firing incident, the final two hours in the office is a stressful event. The real time depiction of the horrific time spent by JOY at the empty office filled with the curse of people who have been recently fired ...