First Sunday
David E. TalbertSchauspieler:
Ice Cube, Regina Hall, Chi McBride, Tracy Morgan, Keith David, Nicholas Turturro, Michael Beach, Clifton Powell, Loretta Devine, Katt Williams, Red Grant, Malinda Williams, Olivia Cole, C.J. Sanders, Rickey SmileyDurrell Washington aus der weniger feinen Gegend des Schwarzenviertels von L.A. hätte eigentlich nichts dagegen, eine seriöse Berufslaufbahn einzuschlagen. Weil er aber wegen seiner Vorstrafen partout keinen Job findet, muss er notgedrungen wieder stehlen gehen mit dem tumben Kumpel LeeJohn. Und weil ihnen ungeduldige Berufsgangster wegen Schulden im Nacken sitzen, beschließt man in der Not, den prall gefüllten Opferstock der Kirche zu plündern. Doch das ist nicht so einfach wie erwartet.
Durell Washington and LeeJohn Jackson are best friends and bumbling petty criminals. When Durell learns that his ex-girlfriend plans to move to another state with their son Durell Jr.--unless they can get her $17,000 to pay off a debt-- and so Durell and LeeJohn ultimately comes up with a desperate scheme to rob their neighborhood church. But when the duo fumbles their way through the break-in, they discover someone has beaten them to the punch. In order to get their hands on the money, Durell and LeeJohn are forced to spend the night in the presence of the Lord and his followers--and end up getting a lot more than they bargained for.
Durell Washington and LeeJohn Jackson are best friends and bumbling petty criminals. When Durell learns that his ex-girlfriend plans to move to another state with their son Durell Jr.--unless they can get her $17,000 to pay off a debt-- and so Durell and LeeJohn ultimately comes up with a desperate scheme to rob their neighborhood church. But when the duo fumbles their way through the break-in, they discover someone has beaten them to the punch. In order to get their hands on the money, Durell and LeeJohn are forced to spend the night in the presence of the Lord and his followers--and end up getting a lot more than they bargained for.