Alexander AdolphSchauspieler:
Laurids Schürmann, Lena Klenke, Clara Vogt, Fabian Hinrichs, Silke Bodenbender, Lisa Kreuzer, Bettina Mittendorfer, Jule Ronstedt, Michael Grimm, Felix Hellmann, Fanny Altenburger, Philipp Franck, Pauline Fusban, Johannes Jannasch, Berivan Kaya, Sascha MaazJetzt hat er also eine Freundin. Und was für eine! Der 17-jährige Franz war bisher – im Gegensatz zu seiner großen Schwester Milli – ein stiller, schüchterner Einzelgänger. Umso beeindruckter sind seine Eltern, als er eines nachts die hübsche, selbstbewusste Zoe mit nach Hause bringt. Sehr schnell findet Zoe den Weg ins Herz von Franz’ Familie. Oder erzählt diese junge Frau den Leuten einfach nur, was sie hören wollen, weil sie ihre versteckten Süchte sieht? Nach einer rauschhaften Nacht ist Zoe verschwunden und Franz’ Herz gebrochen. Er muss sie wiedersehen, macht sich auf die Suche nach Zoe.
Father and mother are thrilled: So now their teenager son has a girlfriend. And what a fabulous young woman she is! In contrast to his older sister Milli, 17-year-old Franz was previously an introverted, quiet, shy loner. His parents are all the more impressed when he brings home the pretty, self-confident Zoe one night. Zoe quickly finds her way into the heart of Franz’s family. Or is this young woman just telling people what they want to hear because she sees their hidden desires? After an ecstatic night in the clubs of the city of Munich with a little too much drugs, Zoe has disappeared and Franz's heart is broken. He absolutely has to see her again and goes looking for his first great love.
Father and mother are thrilled: So now their teenager son has a girlfriend. And what a fabulous young woman she is! In contrast to his older sister Milli, 17-year-old Franz was previously an introverted, quiet, shy loner. His parents are all the more impressed when he brings home the pretty, self-confident Zoe one night. Zoe quickly finds her way into the heart of Franz’s family. Or is this young woman just telling people what they want to hear because she sees their hidden desires? After an ecstatic night in the clubs of the city of Munich with a little too much drugs, Zoe has disappeared and Franz's heart is broken. He absolutely has to see her again and goes looking for his first great love.