Formula 51
Ronny YuSchauspieler:
Samuel L. Jackson, Nigel Whitmey, Emily Mortimer, Meat Loaf, Mac McDonald, Michael J. Reynolds, Robert Carlyle, Sean Pertwee, Ricky Tomlinson, Rhys Ifans, Robert Jezek, Jake Abraham, Aaron Swartz, David Webber, Sonny Muslim, Barbara BarnesDer Superchemiker Elmo McElroy entwickelt eine neue Droge, die aus 100% legalen Inhaltsstoffen besteht, er will damit mal so richtig absahnen. Dieses Produkt mit dem Namen POS 51 ist von sämtlichen Drogenbossen sehr begehrt, aber schon nach kurzer Zeit läuft alles anders als man denkt. Denn als der Deal anscheinend in USA mit The Lizard geplatzt ist, versucht er es in England wo schon der nächste Kunde für Elmo McElroy wartet...
Elmo McElroy is a streetwise American master chemist who heads to England to sell his special new formula - a powerful, blue concoction guaranteed to take you to 'the 51st state.' McElroy's new product delivers a feeling 51 times more powerful than any thrill, any pleasure, any high in history. But his plans for a quick, profitable score go comically awry when he gets stuck in Liverpool with an unlikely escort and his ex-girlfriend and becomes entangled in a bizarre web of double-dealing and double-crosses.
Elmo McElroy is a streetwise American master chemist who heads to England to sell his special new formula - a powerful, blue concoction guaranteed to take you to 'the 51st state.' McElroy's new product delivers a feeling 51 times more powerful than any thrill, any pleasure, any high in history. But his plans for a quick, profitable score go comically awry when he gets stuck in Liverpool with an unlikely escort and his ex-girlfriend and becomes entangled in a bizarre web of double-dealing and double-crosses.