Frau Doktor kann's nicht lassen
Mario BianchiSchauspieler:
Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Cándida López, Aldo Sambrell, Roberto Gallozzi, Nino Terzo, Aldo Ralli, Tony Raggetti, Lorna Green, Antonella Prati, Mark Shannon, Giuseppe Carbone, Femi BenussiAls Emanuelle in dem verträumten italienischen Dorf ankommt drehen sich plötzlich alle Köpfe und alle Augen fallen aus den Höhlen. Alle Männer fallen übereinander her und versuchen einen Blick oder mehr von dem neuen Doktor zu erhaschen. Besonders interessiert scheint der Verlobte der Tochter des Bürgermeisters. Wie zu erwarten entsteht ein privater und politischer Zwist zwischen den zwei Familien der jungen Verlobten. Emanuelles Duschgang wir immer mehr das beliebte Ziel einer Bande von Voyeuren, selbstverständlich einschließlich der Stützen der Gemeinde. Eines Tages jedoch erwischen sie die jungen Liebenden im Bett der Ärztin. Kann Emanuelle den Streit jetzt noch schlichten und gelingt es ihr die Hochzeit zu retten..?
When Emanuelle (Gemser) arrives in the small Italian village heads start turning and eyes start popping. All males in the town are falling all over themselves trying to get a look (or a feel) of the new doctor. One in particular is the fiancee of the mayor's daughter. A kind of "Hatfield's and McCoy's" feud with a political twist has been going on and the young lovers' families are, unfortunately, on opposite sides. Emanuelle's shower becomes the target of a gang of voyeurs, including the pillars of the community. She uses it as a stage to taunt the watchers to charge into her apartment on the notion that she is showering with the mayor's daughter's fiancee. Instead of what they expected, they find the two young lovers in bed. Can Emanuelle shame them into allowing the marriage that they had been preventing?
When Emanuelle (Gemser) arrives in the small Italian village heads start turning and eyes start popping. All males in the town are falling all over themselves trying to get a look (or a feel) of the new doctor. One in particular is the fiancee of the mayor's daughter. A kind of "Hatfield's and McCoy's" feud with a political twist has been going on and the young lovers' families are, unfortunately, on opposite sides. Emanuelle's shower becomes the target of a gang of voyeurs, including the pillars of the community. She uses it as a stage to taunt the watchers to charge into her apartment on the notion that she is showering with the mayor's daughter's fiancee. Instead of what they expected, they find the two young lovers in bed. Can Emanuelle shame them into allowing the marriage that they had been preventing?