Freiheit - John Newton's Amazing Grace
Peter CousensSchauspieler:
Cuba Gooding Jr., William Sadler, Sharon Leal, David Rasche, Diane Salinger, John Franchi, Terrence Mann, Phillip Boykin, Michael Goodwin, Tony Sheldon, Jubilant Sykes, Peter Cousens, Clemmie EvansIm Jahre 1856 ergreift der Sklave Sam Woodward mit seiner Familie die Flucht von der Plantage des Großgrundbesitzers Monroe, um mit Hilfe allerhand braver Bürger auf der geheimen Underground Railroad in den Norden zu verschwinden. Monroe aber will sich damit nicht abfinden und hetzt den Flüchtigen den gefürchteten Sklavenjäger Plimton hinterher. Hundert Jahre zuvor hat der Kapitän des Sklavenschiffs, auf dem Sams Urgroßvater nach Amerika verbracht wurde, ein Erweckungserlebnis und schreibt eine unsterbliche Hymne.
Tatsächlich wurde die berühmte religiöse Hymne "Amazing Grace" von dem reumütigen Kapitän eines Sklavenschiffs verfasst, was nun rund 200 Jahre später den Sklavennachfahren Cuba Gooding jr. dazu veranlasst, dieses in zwei unterschiedliche Erzählstränge selektierte Drama zu produzieren und mit seiner Gegenwart zu beehren.
Two men separated by 100 years are united in their search for freedom. In 1856 a slave, Samuel Woodward and his family, escape from the Monroe Plantation near Richmond, Virginia. A secret network of ordinary people known as the Underground Railroad guide the family on their journey north to Canada. They are relentlessly pursued by the notorious slave hunter Plimpton. Hunted like a dog and haunted by the unthinkable suffering he and his forbears have endured, Samuel is forced to decide between revenge or freedom. 100 years earlier in 1748, John Newton the Captain of a slave trader sails from Africa with a cargo of slaves, bound for America. On board is Samuel's great grandfather whose survival is tied to the fate of Captain Newton. The voyage changes Newton's life forever and he creates a legacy that will inspire Samuel and the lives of millions for generations to come.
Two men separated by 100 years are united in their search for freedom. In 1856 a slave, Samuel Woodward and his family, escape from the Monroe Plantation near Richmond, Virginia. A secret network of ordinary people known as the Underground Railroad guide the family on their journey north to Canada. They are relentlessly pursued by the notorious slave hunter Plimpton. Hunted like a dog and haunted by the unthinkable suffering he and his forbears have endured, Samuel is forced to decide between revenge or freedom. 100 years earlier in 1748, John Newton the Captain of a slave trader sails from Africa with a cargo of slaves, bound for America. On board is Samuel's great grandfather whose survival is tied to the fate of Captain Newton. The voyage changes Newton's life forever and he creates a legacy that will inspire Samuel and the lives of millions for generations to come.