Fröhliche Ostern
Georges LautnerSchauspieler:
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Sophie Marceau, Marie Laforêt, Rosy Varte, Michel Beaune, Marie-Christine Descouard, Gérard Hernandez, Elisabeth Kolhammar, Flora Alberti, Marc Lamole, Maurice Auzel, Laura Ballard, Charly Bertoni, Christian Bianchi, Gérard Camp, Scarlet Maia de CastroStephane, verheirateter Mann mittleren Alters, lernt während der Abwesenheit seiner Frau die hübsche Julie kennen. Er hofft auf ein Abenteuer, aber seine Gattin kehrt frühzeitig aus dem Urlaub zurück. In Erklärungsnot gibt Stephane Julie als Tochter aus einer früheren Beziehung aus, womit seine Probleme natürlich erst richtig anfangen.
Charmante Verwechslungskomödie nach einem Bühnenstück von Jean Poiret mit dem Frauenhelden Jean-Paul Belmondo, der sich auch darin dank eingestreuter Stuntszenen als Actionstar beweisen darf. Hauptsächlich gefällt "Fröhliche Ostern" jedoch durch die lustigen Schlagabtausche zwischen Belmondo und seiner vermeintlichen Tochter Sophie Marceau.
Chronic serial womanizer Stephane Margelle drops his wife Sophie off at the airport so she can go away for Easter weekend. He immediately picks up beautiful young Julie, who has just had a fight with her married boyfriend. He gets her back to his apartment and is preparing for a sexy weekend, when his wife suddenly returns home. He makes up a bizarre, on-the-spot, spur-of-the-moment story that the gorgeous girl is actually his long-lost daughter. Julie plays along, but this leads to a whole series of increasingly ridiculous lies and comical situations (such as when her real mother shows up).
Chronic serial womanizer Stephane Margelle drops his wife Sophie off at the airport so she can go away for Easter weekend. He immediately picks up beautiful young Julie, who has just had a fight with her married boyfriend. He gets her back to his apartment and is preparing for a sexy weekend, when his wife suddenly returns home. He makes up a bizarre, on-the-spot, spur-of-the-moment story that the gorgeous girl is actually his long-lost daughter. Julie plays along, but this leads to a whole series of increasingly ridiculous lies and comical situations (such as when her real mother shows up).