From Beyond - Aliens des Grauens
Stuart GordonSchauspieler:
Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken Foree, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Dale Wyatt, Bruce McGuire, Ted Sorel, Bunny Summers, Del Russel, Karen Christenfeld, Andy Miller, John Leamer, Regina BleeszEin Wissenschaftlerteam experimentiert mit einem sogenannten Resonator, der die Zirbeldrüse im Gehirn anregen soll, um verborgene psychische Kräfte zu fördern. Dabei entsteht jedoch eine Art Riß in ein anderes Universum, aus dem fremde Wesen in unseres eindringen. Nachdem der Leiter des Projekts offenbar getötet wurde, hält man sich an den Assistenten Tillinghurst, um mit ihm die Vorgänge in dem Haus zu untersuchen. Es stellt sich jedoch heraus, daß die Wesen und die Maschine nicht mehr zu kontrollieren sind. Auch mit Tillinghurst, dessen Zirbeldrüse ihn allmählich mutieren läßt, geht eine schreckliche Veränderung vor. Es sieht schlecht aus für unser Universum...
Dr. Edward Pretorius and his assistant, the physician Crawford Tillinghast, have developed the Resonator, a machine to stimulate the sixth sense through the pineal gland. When Crawford activates the apparatus, he sees creatures flying in the air and he summons Dr. Pretorius. The experiment goes out of control and Dr. Pretorius refuses to turn off the Resonator. Meanwhile their neighbor calls the police, and when the police officers arrive, they see Crawford trying to escape from his house and Dr. Pretorius beheaded. Crawford is sent to a mental institution under the supervision of the sadistic Dr. Bloch. However, the prominent psychiatrist Dr. Katherine McMichaels requests the custody of Crawford and Detective Bubba Brownlee that is investigating the case stays with them. Katherine goes with Crawford and Bubba to see the Resonator and turns the machine on. Dr. Pretorius returns in a mutant shape and attacks them, in the beginning of a gore night with weird life forms.
Dr. Edward Pretorius and his assistant, the physician Crawford Tillinghast, have developed the Resonator, a machine to stimulate the sixth sense through the pineal gland. When Crawford activates the apparatus, he sees creatures flying in the air and he summons Dr. Pretorius. The experiment goes out of control and Dr. Pretorius refuses to turn off the Resonator. Meanwhile their neighbor calls the police, and when the police officers arrive, they see Crawford trying to escape from his house and Dr. Pretorius beheaded. Crawford is sent to a mental institution under the supervision of the sadistic Dr. Bloch. However, the prominent psychiatrist Dr. Katherine McMichaels requests the custody of Crawford and Detective Bubba Brownlee that is investigating the case stays with them. Katherine goes with Crawford and Bubba to see the Resonator and turns the machine on. Dr. Pretorius returns in a mutant shape and attacks them, in the beginning of a gore night with weird life forms.