Frozen Money
Jason R. GoodeSchauspieler:
Jamie Bamber, Marie Avgeropoulos, Aleks Paunovic, Stefanie von Pfetten, Colin Cunningham, Paul McGillion, Gina Chiarelli, Veena Sood, Craig Erickson, John HainsworthEs ist tiefster Winter in den Bergen der kanadischen Wildnis. Das Pärchen William und Dawn ist von Geldnöten geplagt und auf der Durchreise in ihre Heimat. Nachdem sie auf dem Highway einem ebenfalls abgebrannten, etwas schrägem Geschwisterpaar eine Mitfahrgelegenheit geben haben, trifft das Quartett auf einen mysteriösen alten Mann, der unterkühlt und fast blind durch den Schnee irrt. In seinem Mantel finden sie eine Zeichnung mit GPS-Koordinaten sowie eine Goldmünze. Die Vermutung, dass die Karte zu einem Goldschatz führt, liegt nahe. Doch auf der nun beginnenden Schatzjagd quer durch die eiskalte kanadische Wildnis, lauern viel größere Gefahren als vermutet.
Zwei Pärchen sind überzeugt, in der vereisten Wildnis von Alaska auf die Spur eines Goldschatzes gestoßen zu sein. Gier lohnt sich auch für „Galactica“-Star Jamie Bamber nicht in diesem Survivalspektakel.
Husband and wife, Will and Dawn, are in financial crisis after learning the job Will was counting on to salvage their financial future has disappeared in the midst of a market collapse. They set out to drive home on the winter highway back to their city, and in a moment of altruism, pick up siblings Lee and Cheryl, a pair of hitchhikers on their way to start a new life. In the midst of the night they nearly collide with an old man wandering on the snowy highway, hyperthermic and horrifically frostbitten. While searching for his ID they discover a wad of cash, a hand drawn map with GPS coordinates, and a single gold coin inside his coat. Will and Dawn reluctantly go along with Lee’s plan to report him to the police as a John Doe and pocket the money. In an attempt to save their financial struggles, all four venture off into the snowy wilderness in search of the buried gold.
Husband and wife, Will and Dawn, are in financial crisis after learning the job Will was counting on to salvage their financial future has disappeared in the midst of a market collapse. They set out to drive home on the winter highway back to their city, and in a moment of altruism, pick up siblings Lee and Cheryl, a pair of hitchhikers on their way to start a new life. In the midst of the night they nearly collide with an old man wandering on the snowy highway, hyperthermic and horrifically frostbitten. While searching for his ID they discover a wad of cash, a hand drawn map with GPS coordinates, and a single gold coin inside his coat. Will and Dawn reluctantly go along with Lee’s plan to report him to the police as a John Doe and pocket the money. In an attempt to save their financial struggles, all four venture off into the snowy wilderness in search of the buried gold.