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David L. HewittSchauspieler:
Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine, Rochelle Hudson, Roger Gentry, Ron Doyle, Karen Joy, Vic McGee, Ron Brogan, Margaret Moore, Gray Daniels, Mitch Evans, Joey BensonEpisodenhorror: 1. Einem Ehepaar wird ein Haus vermacht - auf diesem liegt allerdings ein uralter Fluch.
2. Skrupellose Wissenschaftler erwecken als Experiment eine Leiche wieder zum Leben, allerdings war der Tote ein Serienkiller.
3. Der Kampf Graf Draculas gegen einen Werwolf.
4. Ein toter erwacht wieder zum Leben um Rache an seiner Frau zu nehmen.
5. Ein Vampir durchstreift das London des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts, immer auf der Suche nach Opfern um seinen Blutdurst zu stillen ...
John Carradine narrates five horror tales, each with a comically predictable surprise ending. In the first, "The Witches Clock," the Farrells have purchased an old mansion in Salem Massachusetts and are warned by the town doctor of the history of witches in the community. The second story, "King of the Vampires," deals with a slight-figured killer called the King of the Vampires by Scotland Yard. The third, "Monster Raid," is about a man turned zombie when he ODs on his experimental drug. "Spark of Life" deals with a doctor Mendell obsessed with the experiments of a thrown-out professor named Erich von Frankenstein. "Count Alucard" is a variation on the Dracula story, with the Count acquiring the deed to Carfax Abbey from Harker as vampiresses and dead bodies start turning up.
John Carradine narrates five horror tales, each with a comically predictable surprise ending. In the first, "The Witches Clock," the Farrells have purchased an old mansion in Salem Massachusetts and are warned by the town doctor of the history of witches in the community. The second story, "King of the Vampires," deals with a slight-figured killer called the King of the Vampires by Scotland Yard. The third, "Monster Raid," is about a man turned zombie when he ODs on his experimental drug. "Spark of Life" deals with a doctor Mendell obsessed with the experiments of a thrown-out professor named Erich von Frankenstein. "Count Alucard" is a variation on the Dracula story, with the Count acquiring the deed to Carfax Abbey from Harker as vampiresses and dead bodies start turning up.