Gefährliches Erbe
Ralph ThomasSchauspieler:
Dirk Bogarde, Stanley Baker, Michael Craig, Barbara Murray, James Robertson Justice, Athene Seyler, Robert Brown, John Laurie, Sid JamesPeter Campbell ist der Enkel eines nach Öl bohrenden Abenteurers. Als sein Großvater verstirbt, kehrt Peter England den Rücken und macht sich auf den Weg nach Nordamerika, um in den Rocky Mountains nach Öl zu suchen. Dort angekommen, will er seine Träume verwirklichen, aber ein Strom-Unternehmen legt dem Ganzen Steine in den Weg. Unglücklicherweise bleibt dies nicht das einzige Hindernis das es für Peter zu überwinden gilt.
Der englische Regisseur Ralph Thomas ("Verschwörung der Herzen") setzte diesen Abenteuerfilm mit Action und Trickeffekten in Szene.
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Hammond Innes. Bruce Campbell (Dirk Bogarde) inherits "Campbell's Kingdom" in the Canadian Rockies on the death of his grandfather. He has been diagnosed with an unspecified terminal illness and decides to see if he can find the oil that his grandfather believed was present on his land, and to clear his family name; his grandfather had wrongly been found guilty of fraud when his oil exploration company went broke. Owen Morgan (Stanley Baker) is the boss of a company that is constructing a dam that when complete will flood the "Kingdom". It's a race against time to prove that the oil is there before the dam is completed.
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Hammond Innes. Bruce Campbell (Dirk Bogarde) inherits "Campbell's Kingdom" in the Canadian Rockies on the death of his grandfather. He has been diagnosed with an unspecified terminal illness and decides to see if he can find the oil that his grandfather believed was present on his land, and to clear his family name; his grandfather had wrongly been found guilty of fraud when his oil exploration company went broke. Owen Morgan (Stanley Baker) is the boss of a company that is constructing a dam that when complete will flood the "Kingdom". It's a race against time to prove that the oil is there before the dam is completed.