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Boaz YakinSchauspieler:
Denzel Washington, Donald Faison, Ryan Gosling, Kate Bosworth, Will Patton, Hayden Panettiere, Ethan Suplee, Wood Harris, Nicole Ari Parker, Ryan Hurst, Kip Pardue, Burgess Jenkins, Craig Kirkwood, Earl Poitier, Neal GhantAmerika im Juli 1971: Die Einwohner der Kleinstadt Alexandria gehen auf die Barrikaden. Denn das Kultusministerium hat verordnet, dass an der High School erstmals Schüler beider Hautfarben gemeinsam unterrichtet werden sollen. In diese Unruhen gerät der Farbige Herman Boone, der den Weißen Bill Yoast als Football-Coach ersetzen soll. Dieser ist zunächst wie vor den Kopf gestoßen, lässt sich aber dann als Co-Trainer engagieren. Ein Gespann so ungleich wie die Mannschaft, der Rassentrennung wichtiger zu sein scheint als das Spiel...
Ambitioniertes Sportdrama über einen Footballcoach, der sich der Umstände zum Trotz über alle Rassenschranken hinwegsetzt.
Suburban Virginia schools have been segregated for generations. One Black and one White high school are closed and the students sent to T.C. Williams High School under federal mandate to integrate. The year is seen through the eyes of the football team where the man hired to coach the Black school is made head coach over the highly successful white coach. Based on the actual events of 1971, the team becomes the unifying symbol for the community as the boys and the adults learn to depend on and trust each other.
Suburban Virginia schools have been segregated for generations. One Black and one White high school are closed and the students sent to T.C. Williams High School under federal mandate to integrate. The year is seen through the eyes of the football team where the man hired to coach the Black school is made head coach over the highly successful white coach. Based on the actual events of 1971, the team becomes the unifying symbol for the community as the boys and the adults learn to depend on and trust each other.