Geheimnisse eines Sommers
Endlich Ferien! Auf Großvaters Farm in der Steppe Argentiniens warten wie jedes Jahr ausgelassene Spiele und lustige Streiche auf die Geschwister Laura, Daniel und Federico. Doch das Wichtigste sind und bleiben Jahr für Jahr die Pferde! Aber dann geraten Daniel und sein Freund Martin, der Sohn des Verwalters, völlig unerwartet wegen ihres Lieblingspferdes in Streit. Bis die verzwickten Geheimnisse dieses Sommers aufgeklärt sind, steht den Freunden noch so manche Aufregung bevor.
This award-winning film by André Melançon -- set on a ranch on the pampas of Argentina -- tells the story of three children spending a summer with their grandfather. The youngest, Felipe, makes friends with a puppy; his older brother, Daniel, breaks and train his first horse; their 13-year-old sister, Laura, struggles with the transition between childhood and growing up. The kids find it difficult to adapt to their proud and stubborn grandfather, and he learns that he has to change his ways and try to understand them as they all experience the joys and sorrows of growing up and growing old. ~ Alice Duncan, Rovi
This award-winning film by André Melançon -- set on a ranch on the pampas of Argentina -- tells the story of three children spending a summer with their grandfather. The youngest, Felipe, makes friends with a puppy; his older brother, Daniel, breaks and train his first horse; their 13-year-old sister, Laura, struggles with the transition between childhood and growing up. The kids find it difficult to adapt to their proud and stubborn grandfather, and he learns that he has to change his ways and try to understand them as they all experience the joys and sorrows of growing up and growing old. ~ Alice Duncan, Rovi