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Olivier AbbouSchauspieler:
Adama Niane, Stéphane Caillard, Paul Hamy, Eddy LeducAls Familie Diallo vom Urlaub zurückkommt in die französische Provinz, steht am Briefkasten ihres Landhauses ein anderer Name und die Polizei nimmt sie wegen Hausfriedensbruch beinahe fest. Ein gesetzliches Schlupfloch ausnutzend, hat das Kindermädchen sich und ihrem Mann den Besitz überschreiben lassen. Die Diallos sind machtlos. Bis der sonst so friedliche Vater Paul den Rowdie-Ex seiner Frau kennenlernt, der ihm ein oder zwei Dinge beibringt über das Recht des Stärkeren.
Paul Diallo, a history teacher, lives a quiet life with his wife and kid. During summertime, he lends his house to his son’s babysitter and her boyfriend. When they return, the Diallo family finds a closed door – locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in « their home ». With no one to turn to, Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…
Paul Diallo, a history teacher, lives a quiet life with his wife and kid. During summertime, he lends his house to his son’s babysitter and her boyfriend. When they return, the Diallo family finds a closed door – locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in « their home ». With no one to turn to, Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…