Gewalt über der Stadt
Carlo AusinoSchauspieler:
George Hilton, Emanuele Cannarsa, Giuseppe Alotta, Annarita Grapputo, Franco Nebbia, Laura Ferraro, Rino Maggio, Pier Giuseppe CorradoDie Polizeiinspektoren Danieli (Emanuel Cannarsa) and Moretti (George Hilton) haben alle Hände voll zu tun: Verschiedenste Straftaten geschehen in der Turiner Großstadt, die sich auch aufgrund eines Bandeskrieges zwischen Einheimischen und französischen Einwanderern langsam zu einer der gefährlichsten Orte Italiens entwickelt.
Drugs, murders, robberies. In Turin, violence is an everyday fact of life, but a mysterious vigilante starts cleaning up the streets. In fact, the killer is a cop, Moretti, who went undercover to do the dirty work he couldn't do in cop's clothing.
Drugs, murders, robberies. In Turin, violence is an everyday fact of life, but a mysterious vigilante starts cleaning up the streets. In fact, the killer is a cop, Moretti, who went undercover to do the dirty work he couldn't do in cop's clothing.