Gregory WilsonSchauspieler:
Nolan Gould, Andrea Frankle, Dane Rhodes, Mattie Liptak, Steve Alderfer, Glen Warner, Catherine Mary Stewart, Barry Corbin, Catherine Curtin, C.J. Wilson, Chelsea Bruland, Carol Jean Wells, Zach Rand, Laurence Lau, Luke Hawx, Crystal RiversTimmy Graco (Nolan Gould) und seine besten Freunde Barry Smetzler (Trevor Harker) und Doug Keiser (Jacob Bila) haben sich für die Sommerferien ein geheimes Clubhaus im Untergrund des Stadtfriedhofes gebaut. Am ersten Tag des Sommers stirbt Timmys Großvater und wird auf dem gleichen Friedhof begraben. Nach der Beisetzung spaziert Timmy mit seiner heimlichen Liebe Katie Moore (Carol Jean Wells) über den Friedhof. Der Pastor kommt hinzu und erzählt den Kindern von der Legende des Ghouls, der vor langer Zeit die Gegend terrorisiert haben soll. Barry findet unterdessen heraus, dass sein Vater Clark (Dane Rhodes), der Friedhofswärter, offensichtlich mit dem Ghoul zusammenarbeitet und sogar eine Frau gekidnappt hat. Nach und nach kommt den Jungen die Befürchtung, dass ihr Clubhaus für den Ghoul der Zugang zur Welt der Lebenden sein könnte.
In the tradition of Stephen King’s Stand by Me, Chiller’s original film Ghoul – based on the celebrated novel by author Brian Keene — tells the story of three damaged children who set out to find who, or what, is behind a rash of local disapperances. Staring Modern Family‘s Nolan Gould, the film explores the darkness that hides behind small town life. It is the summer of 1984 when a teenage couple goes missing among the gravestones of the local cemetery. Twelve-year-old Timmy and his best friends, Barry and Doug, have grown up hearing stories about a sinister Ghoul that haunts the cemetery. Eventually, they begin to wonder if the horrific legend might actually be real. Timmy and his friends are forced to put their friendship to the ultimate test when they dig up long-buried secrets, facing their personal demons and the one hiding underground.
In the tradition of Stephen King’s Stand by Me, Chiller’s original film Ghoul – based on the celebrated novel by author Brian Keene — tells the story of three damaged children who set out to find who, or what, is behind a rash of local disapperances. Staring Modern Family‘s Nolan Gould, the film explores the darkness that hides behind small town life. It is the summer of 1984 when a teenage couple goes missing among the gravestones of the local cemetery. Twelve-year-old Timmy and his best friends, Barry and Doug, have grown up hearing stories about a sinister Ghoul that haunts the cemetery. Eventually, they begin to wonder if the horrific legend might actually be real. Timmy and his friends are forced to put their friendship to the ultimate test when they dig up long-buried secrets, facing their personal demons and the one hiding underground.