Gia - Preis der Schönheit
Michael CristoferSchauspieler:
Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Mitchell, Eric Michael Cole, Kylie Travis, Mercedes Ruehl, Mila Kunis, Faye Dunaway, Louis Giambalvo, John Considine, Scott Cohen, Edmund Genest, Holly Baker, Joe Basile, Rick Batalla, Lombardo Boyar, Jules DouglasGia Marie Carangi zieht als Teenager von Philadelphia nach New York um in der pulsierenden Metropole eine Model-Karriere zu starten. Doch das schwierige Verhältnis zu ihrer dominanten Mutter treibt die fragile Gia in den Drogenmissbrauch - und schließlich wird sie eins der ersten prominenten AIDS-Opfer.
Biopic mit dokumentarischen Elementen über Gia Marie Carangi, die erste prominente AIDS-Tote.
Fact-based story of top fashion model Gia Marie Carangi follows her life from a rebel working in her father's diner at age 17 to her death in 1986 at age 26 from AIDS, one of the first women in America whose death was attributed to the disease. In between, she followed a downward spiral of drug abuse and failed relationships.
Fact-based story of top fashion model Gia Marie Carangi follows her life from a rebel working in her father's diner at age 17 to her death in 1986 at age 26 from AIDS, one of the first women in America whose death was attributed to the disease. In between, she followed a downward spiral of drug abuse and failed relationships.