Gianni und die Frauen
Gianni Di GregorioSchauspieler:
Gianni Di Gregorio, Valeria De Franciscis, Alfonso Santagata, Elisabetta Piccolomini, Valeria Cavalli, Aylin Prandi, Kristina Cepraga, Michelangelo CiminaleDer pensionierte Gianni ist als Hausmann für Frau und Tochter voll ausgelastet. Während Altersgenossen ihre Freizeit mehr oder minder genießen, dient er sich seiner Familie, der süßen Nachbarin und der dreisten Mutter, die sein Geld verschwendet, als serviles Faktotum an. Als ihm sein Macho-Freund Alfonso offenbart, jeder seines Alters habe eine Geliebte, glaubt Gianni, er würde etwas verpassen. Jedoch scheitern seine unterwürfigen Annäherungsversuche an die Damenwelt, die ihn nur als lieben Alten sieht, ein ums andere Mal.
Gianni is sixty. He is retired but has not become lazy for all that. In fact he is a helpful fellow who gives a hand to all those who need one: shopping for his wife, walking the pretty neighbor's dog, and so on. Everybody likes Gianni, but is it for the right reasons? Doesn't his wife profit by the situation (she still works so it is only logical that Gianni do all the chores)? Isn't he subject to the excruciating whims of his rich mother?... Sure, everybody LIKES Gianni, but who LOVES him? Agreed, being kind to them, he is the ladies pet, but he does not attract them anymore. That is why, when his macho lawyer friend Alfonso blames him for not having young mistresses "like every other senior Italian male", Gianni, who is beginning to ask himself questions about what it is like to become old, starts chasing dames.
Gianni is sixty. He is retired but has not become lazy for all that. In fact he is a helpful fellow who gives a hand to all those who need one: shopping for his wife, walking the pretty neighbor's dog, and so on. Everybody likes Gianni, but is it for the right reasons? Doesn't his wife profit by the situation (she still works so it is only logical that Gianni do all the chores)? Isn't he subject to the excruciating whims of his rich mother?... Sure, everybody LIKES Gianni, but who LOVES him? Agreed, being kind to them, he is the ladies pet, but he does not attract them anymore. That is why, when his macho lawyer friend Alfonso blames him for not having young mistresses "like every other senior Italian male", Gianni, who is beginning to ask himself questions about what it is like to become old, starts chasing dames.