Glück in kleinen Dosen
Arie PosinSchauspieler:
Jamie Bell, Camilla Belle, Justin Chatwin, Glenn Close, Kathi Copeland, Rory Culkin, Thomas Curtis, Tim DeKay, David Ellison, William Fichtner, Ralph Fiennes, Richard Gleason, Caroline Goodall, John Heard, Susan Hegarty, Lauren HollyTeenager Dean Stiffle (Jamie Bell) lebt mit seinen Eltern in einer besseren Vorstadtgegend, wo heile Fassaden einen ebensolchen Eindruck vom Leben dahinter vermitteln wollen. Doch das vermeintliche Idyll gerät ins Wanken, als der Tod eines jugendlichen Dealers und besten Freundes von Dean eine Kette von fatalen Ereignissen in Gang setzt. So wollen kriminelle Mitschüler Dean zu Kurierdiensten zwingen, indem sie seinen kleinen Bruder entführen. Doch die Clique um Rowdy Bill (Justin Chatwin) erwischt das falsche Kind.
Abgründe hinter Spießerfassaden auszuloten und vom ganz normalen Wahnsinn zu erzählen ist das Ziel eines stargespickten Mittelklassedramas in der Tradition von "American Beauty", "Donnie Darko" und "Desperate Housewives".
The Chumscrubber is a dark comedy about the lives of people who live in upper-class suburbia. It all begins when Dean Stiffle finds the body of his friend, Troy. He doesn't bother telling any of the adults because he knows they won't care. Everyone in town is too self consumed to worry about anything else than themselves. And everybody is on some form of drug just to get through their days.
The Chumscrubber is a dark comedy about the lives of people who live in upper-class suburbia. It all begins when Dean Stiffle finds the body of his friend, Troy. He doesn't bother telling any of the adults because he knows they won't care. Everyone in town is too self consumed to worry about anything else than themselves. And everybody is on some form of drug just to get through their days.