Glück ist was für Weicheier
Anca Miruna LazarescuSchauspieler:
Ella Frey, Martin Wuttke, Emilia Bernsdorf, Christian Friedel, Sophie Rois, Tina Ruland, Stephan Grossmann, Christian Lex, Kim Riedle, Tim DieckStefan Gabriel (Martin Wuttke) ist Bademeister und verwitweter Vater zweier sehr unterschiedlicher Töchter. Die 12-jährige Jessica (Ella Frey) wird wegen ihres wenig mädchenhaften Aussehens oft für einen Jungen gehalten und hat mit einer ganzen Reihe Ticks zu kämpfen. Ihre drei Jahre ältere Schwester Sabrina (Emilia Bernsdorf) leidet unter einer schweren Krankheit. Das hübsche und selbstbewusste Mädchen lässt sich dadurch aber nicht daran hindern, die ihr verbleibende Lebenszeit zu genießen. Als sich Sabrinas Zustand dramatisch verschlechtert, ersinnt Jessica einen Plan um ihre Schwester zu retten: Sie müssen nur ein Ritual ausführen, auf das die Geschwister in einem alten Buch gestoßen sind, dann soll Sabrina wieder gesund werden. Allerdings muss sie dafür Sex mit einem Jungen haben. Da ihrer älteren Schwester nur noch wenig Zeit bleibt, setzt Jessica nun alles daran, einen Partner für Sabrina aufzutreiben…
Stefan Gabriel is an active father always looking at life positively. While he tries to give back to society, his daughters Jessica (12) and Sabrina (15) struggle with their own problems. Jessica is often mistaken for a boy and has to deal with her many ticks. She would happily swap places with Sabrina, who, despite her illness, appears to have her life completely under control. But the more Sabrina’s health worsens, the worse Jessica’s ticks become. The girls need a plan and fast. They come across a special ritual in an old book, which could be their rescue. But the girls first have to find a boy to sleep with Sabrina. They don’t have much time left and Jessica puts all she has got into implementing the life-saving plan, no matter how crazy it may be.
Stefan Gabriel is an active father always looking at life positively. While he tries to give back to society, his daughters Jessica (12) and Sabrina (15) struggle with their own problems. Jessica is often mistaken for a boy and has to deal with her many ticks. She would happily swap places with Sabrina, who, despite her illness, appears to have her life completely under control. But the more Sabrina’s health worsens, the worse Jessica’s ticks become. The girls need a plan and fast. They come across a special ritual in an old book, which could be their rescue. But the girls first have to find a boy to sleep with Sabrina. They don’t have much time left and Jessica puts all she has got into implementing the life-saving plan, no matter how crazy it may be.