Christopher NeilSchauspieler:
Vera Farmiga, David Duchovny, Graham Phillips, Justin KirkDer fünfzehnjährige Ellis (Graham Phillips) ist ein vernünftiger und intelligenter Junge, der bei seiner Mutter Wendy (Vera Farmiga) und dem schrulligen Goat Man (David Duchovny) aufgewachsen ist. Nun soll er jedoch zu seinem leiblichen Vater Frank (Ty Burrell) an die Ostküste ziehen, um die Gates Academy zu besuchen. Damit kommen auf Ellis einschneidende Veränderungen zu, denn seit er ein kleines Kind war, hat er sämtliche Lebensweisen vom Goat Man gelernt. Dieser lebt im Pool-Haus der Mutter und kümmert sich um die Instandhaltung des Gartens, des Pools und um eine kleine Herde Ziegen. Als Ellis nun zum ersten Mal auf seinen Vater trifft, muss er feststellen, dass die gelernten Lebensansichten und Einflüsse des Goat Man in starkem Kontrast zu den an der Ostküste hochgehaltenen Wertevorstellungen stehen.
Having a self-absorbed New Age mother and an estranged father means 15-year-old Ellis Whitman has grown up relying on an unconventional guardian: a goat-trekking, marijuana-growing sage called Goat Man. So when Ellis decides to leave the alternative ways of his desert homestead for a stuffy East Coast prep school, major changes are in store. But not in the way you’d think. Though often stoned, the exceedingly smart and capable Ellis effortlessly aces school and excels at track. As the year progresses, it’s his relationships with the adults in his life that test him, challenging his beliefs about responsibility and trustworthiness.
Having a self-absorbed New Age mother and an estranged father means 15-year-old Ellis Whitman has grown up relying on an unconventional guardian: a goat-trekking, marijuana-growing sage called Goat Man. So when Ellis decides to leave the alternative ways of his desert homestead for a stuffy East Coast prep school, major changes are in store. But not in the way you’d think. Though often stoned, the exceedingly smart and capable Ellis effortlessly aces school and excels at track. As the year progresses, it’s his relationships with the adults in his life that test him, challenging his beliefs about responsibility and trustworthiness.