Goldfieber in Alaska
William A. WellmanSchauspieler:
Clark Gable, Loretta Young, Katherine DeMille, Sidney Toler, Wade Boteler, Tyler Brooke, Jack Oakie, Reginald Owen, Frank Conroy, James Burke, Charles Stevens, Lalo Encinas, Thomas E. Jackson, Russ Powell, Herman Bing, George MacQuarrieAlaska zur Zeit des Goldrausches. Neben vielen anderen Abenteurern hat sich auch Jack Thornton in den Kopf gesetzt, sein Glück als Goldsucher zu machen. Leider fehlt Jack das nötige Kleingeld für er eine erfolgversprechende Ausrüstung. Als er der adretten Claire Blake hilft, ihren ebenfalls nach Gold grabenden Ehemann John wieder zu finden, lässt eine Belohnung nicht lange auf sich warten. Die Expedition kann also beginnen. Mit im Boot: Kompagnon Shorty Hoolihan und ein zugelaufener Schäferhund-Wolf-Mischling, der für Jack zu einem treuen Gefährten wird und für manch dramatische Augenblicke sorgt.
Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from being shot by an arrogant Englishman also headed for the Yukon. En route to the Yukon with Shorty Houlihan -- who spent time in jail for opening someone else's letter with a map of where gold is to be found -- Jack rescues a woman whose husband was the addressee of that letter. Buck helps Jack win a $1,000 bet to get the supplies he needs. And when Jack and Claire Blake pet Buck one night, fingers touch.
Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from being shot by an arrogant Englishman also headed for the Yukon. En route to the Yukon with Shorty Houlihan -- who spent time in jail for opening someone else's letter with a map of where gold is to be found -- Jack rescues a woman whose husband was the addressee of that letter. Buck helps Jack win a $1,000 bet to get the supplies he needs. And when Jack and Claire Blake pet Buck one night, fingers touch.