Golgo 13 - The Professional
Osamu DezakiSchauspieler:
Tetsurô Sagawa, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kei Tomiyama, Kumiko Takizawa, Reiko Mutoh, Toshiko Fujita, Ichirô Murakoshi, Kazue Komiya, Kazuo Hayashi, Koichi Chiba, Kōichi Kitamura, Kousei Tomita, Rokuro Naya, Shingo Kanemoto, Shunsuke Shima, Takeshi AonoGolgo 13 ist der gefürchteste Auftragskiller der Welt. Für den richtigen Preis erledigt er jede Zielperson - Garantiert! Nach dem Mordanschlag auf den Sohn des US Industrie-Tycoons Leonard Dawson, einem der mächtigsten Männer der Welt, wird der Jäger plötzlich selbst zum Gejagten! Nicht nur das FBI, die CIA und sogar eine Spezialeinheit der US Armee heften sich ihm nun an die Fersen, auch ehemalige Verbündete, sowie der KGB und die Mafia wollen ihm jetzt an den Kragen.
Indestructible to his enemies and irresistible to women, the professional assassin codenamed Golgo 13 is shrouded in mystery and anonymity. If you're on his hit list, you're already dead. Always hired on his reputation alone, Golgo never breaks a contract. Can he survive the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon and the U.S. Army? Has the nameless agent finally met his match against the superhuman powers of the Snake and the twin evils of the psychopathic mercenaries, Gold and Silver?
Indestructible to his enemies and irresistible to women, the professional assassin codenamed Golgo 13 is shrouded in mystery and anonymity. If you're on his hit list, you're already dead. Always hired on his reputation alone, Golgo never breaks a contract. Can he survive the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon and the U.S. Army? Has the nameless agent finally met his match against the superhuman powers of the Snake and the twin evils of the psychopathic mercenaries, Gold and Silver?