Dominik LocherSchauspieler:
Sven Schelker, Jasna Fritzi Bauer, José Barros, Bettina Stucky, Anna Schinz, Tim BorysDie Liebe von David und Jessy steht vor einer Bewährungsprobe, als sie ungewollt schwanger wird. Als David seine Freundin eines Tages nicht vor einem Angreifer in einem Zug beschützen kann, sieht er seine Ängste, nicht Manns genug zu sein, bestätigt und beginnt daraufhin, Steroide zu nehmen. Damit wird er zur Gefahr für Jessy und ihr ungeborenes Kind.
David's and Jessy's love is put to the test when Jessy unintentionally gets pregnant. The thought of becoming a father causes David to panic. Later, when they are attacked in the train and David is unable to protect his girlfriend, David's fear of not being man enough is confirmed. In desperation, he starts to inject steroids. David develops aggressive traits and becomes a threat to his girlfriend and the unborn child.
David's and Jessy's love is put to the test when Jessy unintentionally gets pregnant. The thought of becoming a father causes David to panic. Later, when they are attacked in the train and David is unable to protect his girlfriend, David's fear of not being man enough is confirmed. In desperation, he starts to inject steroids. David develops aggressive traits and becomes a threat to his girlfriend and the unborn child.