Good People
Henrik Ruben GenzSchauspieler:
Tom Wilkinson, Omar Sy, James Franco, Michael Jibson, Kate Hudson, Anna Friel, Diana Hardcastle, Sam Spruell, Michael Fox, Diarmaid Murtagh, Francis Magee, Maarten Dannenberg, Orlando Burns-Tucker, Bertram Burns-Tucker, Waj AliTom und Anna stecken über beide Ohren in Schulden. Als eines Tages ihr auf hundert Meter erkennbar unseriöser Untermieter das Zeitliche segnet und sie in dessen Nachlass 200.000 Dollar finden, zögern sie deshalb nicht lange und langen hin. Während Tom und Anna auffälligerweise alte Rechnungen begleichen und das Leben wieder zu genießen beginnen, ahnen sie nicht, dass längst eine Phalanx von hartnäckigen Polizisten und kompromisslosen Gangstern die Spur des aus einem Drogendeal stammenden Mammons aufgenommen hat.
Ein verschuldetes Jungpärchen greift nach Geld aus dem Nachlass eines Gangsters und riskiert so jede Menge Ärger. Flotter schwarzhumoriger Thriller nach bewährten Mustern mit James Franco und Kate Hudson in den Hauptrollen.
Anna and Tom, a married couple living a normal life. They want to start a family and are trying to have a baby but they are struggling with money and are about to lose their apartment until their tenant, whom was living in their basement and has died. They find lots of money hidden in their basement by the tenant. The money belongs to a very dangerous man and Tom and Anna have to decide whether to keep the money or give the money to the cops.
Anna and Tom, a married couple living a normal life. They want to start a family and are trying to have a baby but they are struggling with money and are about to lose their apartment until their tenant, whom was living in their basement and has died. They find lots of money hidden in their basement by the tenant. The money belongs to a very dangerous man and Tom and Anna have to decide whether to keep the money or give the money to the cops.