Gott - Ihre Entscheidung
Lars KraumeSchauspieler:
Barbara Auer, Lars Eidinger, Matthias Habich, Ulrich Matthes, Anna Maria Mühe, Christiane Paul, Götz Schubert, Ina WeisseDer 78-jährige ehemalige Architekt Richard Gärtner möchte seinem Leben ein Ende setzen. Dies soll jedoch nicht im Ausland, sondern ganz legal mit der Hilfe seiner Hausärztin geschehen. Für Dr. Brandt kommt es aus persönlicher Überzeugung nicht infrage, ihrem zwar betagten, aber gesunden Patienten ein todbringendes Präparat zu besorgen. Richard Gärtners Fall wird exemplarisch vor dem Deutschen Ethikrat diskutiert.
The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.
The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.