Griechische Küsse
Felix DünnemannSchauspieler:
Alissa Jung, Michael Degen, Manuel Cortez, Wanja Mues, Stephanie Gossger, Nele Kiper, Verena Plangger, Judith PinnowVanessas Leben verläuft beruflich wie privat strikt nach Plan, bis ihr Freund Tim kurz vor der Hochzeit bemerkt, dass man auch mit anderen Frauen sehr viel Spaß haben kann. Sie beschließt, um Tim zu kämpfen und reist ihm - trotz großer Flugangst - auf die griechische Insel Santorin nach. Sie findet nicht nur Gefallen an der herrlichen Insel, sondern auch an dem attraktiven Janis ...
Vanessa is a youth of 30 years that is euphoric with the preparations of his marriage. When his fiancé Tim travels for the Greece to work, he looks to be more and more discouraged with the fact of become a married man and finds a beautiful motive for feel of that form. Then Vanessa does his suitcases and goes to the meeting of its big love. In the flight she knows an attractive one and tempting youth called Janis that help-her it get ready with her own fiancé, putting him in an extremely embarrassing situation, to which she same save-him. Tim recognizes all the love and effort of his fiancée and begs for the its pardon, it asking once again in marriage. But it will be that she is going to accept?
Vanessa is a youth of 30 years that is euphoric with the preparations of his marriage. When his fiancé Tim travels for the Greece to work, he looks to be more and more discouraged with the fact of become a married man and finds a beautiful motive for feel of that form. Then Vanessa does his suitcases and goes to the meeting of its big love. In the flight she knows an attractive one and tempting youth called Janis that help-her it get ready with her own fiancé, putting him in an extremely embarrassing situation, to which she same save-him. Tim recognizes all the love and effort of his fiancée and begs for the its pardon, it asking once again in marriage. But it will be that she is going to accept?