Häutet sie lebend - Unternehmen Wildgänse
Mario SicilianoSchauspieler:
Bryan Rostron, Thomas Kerr, Anthony Freeman, Charles Borromel, Karin Well, Pierluigi GiorgioAls Rudy in persöhnliche Schwierigkeiten gerät, geht er nach Afrika um dort seinen Bruder aufzusuchen. Doch sein Bruder übt in Afrika ein Hobby aus, das Rudy als Pazifist garnicht passt. Er ist ein Söldner der mit seiner Truppe rücksichtslos Rebellen jagt. Doch als ein Rebell Rudy's Bruder tötet, wechselt er seine Ansichten um den Mörder seines Bruders zu finden.
This rare Italian action adventure tells the story of a broke man called Rudy, who goes into the African jungle to join his half-brother Franz. Franz is leader of a mercenary group that fights against native rebels, but Rudy only wants some money from his next of kin (on one occasion, he says: "You know I can't stand violence"). But Franz, a racist who sees Africans merely as animals, just wants him to leave again immediately. Then, Franz gets abducted and imprisoned by the rebels. Rudy joins forces with the other mercenaries, who are as fascist as Franz and like to kill Africans and rape their wives. He does so to make a deal with Franz as soon as they have freed him, but the mercenaries get attacked on more than one occasion by the natives.
This rare Italian action adventure tells the story of a broke man called Rudy, who goes into the African jungle to join his half-brother Franz. Franz is leader of a mercenary group that fights against native rebels, but Rudy only wants some money from his next of kin (on one occasion, he says: "You know I can't stand violence"). But Franz, a racist who sees Africans merely as animals, just wants him to leave again immediately. Then, Franz gets abducted and imprisoned by the rebels. Rudy joins forces with the other mercenaries, who are as fascist as Franz and like to kill Africans and rape their wives. He does so to make a deal with Franz as soon as they have freed him, but the mercenaries get attacked on more than one occasion by the natives.