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Jerry LewisSchauspieler:
Jerry Lewis, Alex Gerry, Bob Clayton, Sonnie Sands, Eddie Shaeffer, Herkie Styles, David Landfield, Bill Richmond, Larry Best, Cary Middlecoff, Art Terry, Frankie Carr, Joe Mayer, Stanley Allan, Duke Art Jr.Stanley ist ein Page im Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach. Er erfüllt dort still und pflichtbewusst seine Aufgaben, ohne mit irgendjemandem zu sprechen. Alles, was er zeigt, sind Gesichtsausdrücke und Slapstick, mit denen er auf das reagiert, was schief geht. Und wenn etwas schief geht, ist Stanley in jedem Fall involviert. Eines Tages taucht ein Superstar im Hotel auf, der verblüffende Ähnlichkeit mit Stanley hat.
Jerry Lewis at his best - in einer Doppelrolle vor der Kamera und erstmals auch als Autor, Regisseur und Produzent.
Stanley is a bellboy at the Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach. It is there that he performs his duties quietly and without a word to anyone. All that he displays are facial expressions and a comedic slapstick style. And anything that can go wrong - does go wrong when Stanley is involved. Then one day, Jerry Lewis, big star, arrives at the hotel and some of the staff notice the striking resemblance. Stanley continues to do what he was hired to do while star Lewis has more trouble with his entourage than the hotel accommodations.
Stanley is a bellboy at the Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach. It is there that he performs his duties quietly and without a word to anyone. All that he displays are facial expressions and a comedic slapstick style. And anything that can go wrong - does go wrong when Stanley is involved. Then one day, Jerry Lewis, big star, arrives at the hotel and some of the staff notice the striking resemblance. Stanley continues to do what he was hired to do while star Lewis has more trouble with his entourage than the hotel accommodations.