Hanging Garden
Thom FitzgeraldSchauspieler:
Ian Parsons, Peter MacNeill, Chris Leavins, Kerry Fox, Joel S. Keller, Seana McKennaIn einer witzig-verzwickten Geschichte familiärer Homophobie leidet der Teenager unter Vaters Prügeleien. Zum attraktiven, glücklich schwulen Mann gereift, kehrt Sweet William später zu seiner neurotischen Familie zurück. Zwanglos darüber freuen kann sich allerdings nur die übernatürlich tolerante Schwester. Auf deren Hochzeit lebt William sein Schwulsein so richtig aus und erlebt ein Wiedersehen mit seinem Jugendfreund und -lover, welcher jetzt die Rolle des Bräutigam spielt.
William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family) haunted with his past. He had moved to the city and become a fit, well-adjusted gay man, but during his visit home, he becomes unhinged as the newly remembered reasons for his miserable adolescence come to life in each of their presents.
William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family) haunted with his past. He had moved to the city and become a fit, well-adjusted gay man, but during his visit home, he becomes unhinged as the newly remembered reasons for his miserable adolescence come to life in each of their presents.