Held der Gladiatoren
Jorgo PapavassiliouSchauspieler:
Stephan Luca, Tanja Wenzel, Andrea Cleven, Zsolt Bács, Marion Mitterhammer, Dierk Prawdzik, Gregor Bloéb, László I. Kish, Ralf Moeller, Jaymes Butler, Erwin Steinhauer, Frank Witter, Matthias Friedrich, Michael BrennickeDer Bruder des germanischen Gefangenen Germanus (Stephan Hornung) wird während eines Gladiatoren-Kampfes von einem Gladiator getötet. Nun setzt Germanus alles daran, seinen Bruder zu rächen und seinen Mörder zu töten. Im Gladiatoren-Lager wird er zu einem guten Kämpfer ausgebildet und Germanus kommt seinem Ziel langsam näher...
Germanus, a brave gladiator, witnesses the brutal murder of his brother, committed by another fighter. Since then, he will become his worst enemy, with whom he will fight in several fights, each more bitter. One day, Germanus discovers that his sister, also gladiator, maintains a passionate affair with the man who killed the brother of both, without her knowing anything about the crime
Germanus, a brave gladiator, witnesses the brutal murder of his brother, committed by another fighter. Since then, he will become his worst enemy, with whom he will fight in several fights, each more bitter. One day, Germanus discovers that his sister, also gladiator, maintains a passionate affair with the man who killed the brother of both, without her knowing anything about the crime