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Howard DeutchSchauspieler:
Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman, Brooke Langton, Orlando Jones, Faizon Love, Jon Favreau, Rhys Ifans, Ace Yonamine, Troy Winbush, David Denman, Michael Jace, Gailard Sartain, Brett Cullen, Jack Warden, Michael TaliferroDer erfahrene Football-Coach Jimmy McGinty soll aus einem Haufen von Versagern ein schlagkräftiges Ersatz-Team für die streikende A-Mannschaft rekrutieren. Dabei hat er es mit Exemplaren der Gattung "charismatische Exzentriker" zu tun: etwa mit Quarterback Shane Falco, der einst als großes College-Talent galt, oder Verteidiger Daniel Bateman, der als Polizist gern mal über die Stränge schlägt. Ergänzt wird das kuriose Ensemble unter anderem durch einen Sumo-Ringer, zwei schwarze Bodyguards, einen Priester und einen Gehörlosen...
Maverick old-guard coach Jimmy McGinty is hired in the wake of a players' strike to help the Washington Sentinels advance to the playoffs. But that impossible dream hinges on whether his replacements can hunker down and do the job. So, McGinty dusts off his secret dossier of ex-players who never got a chance (or screwed up the one they were given) and knits together a bad-dream team of guys who just may give the Sentinels their title shot.
Maverick old-guard coach Jimmy McGinty is hired in the wake of a players' strike to help the Washington Sentinels advance to the playoffs. But that impossible dream hinges on whether his replacements can hunker down and do the job. So, McGinty dusts off his secret dossier of ex-players who never got a chance (or screwed up the one they were given) and knits together a bad-dream team of guys who just may give the Sentinels their title shot.