Hellboy 2 - Die goldene Armee
Guillermo del ToroSchauspieler:
Ron Perlman, Doug Jones, Selma Blair, John AlexanderWeil die Menschheit die Natur und damit die darin lebenden Fabelwesen zerstört, kündigt Elfenprinz Nuada den seit Ewigkeiten herrschenden Frieden und will die unbesiegbare Goldene Armee in die Schlacht führen. Hellboy und seine Kollegen vom Institut für paranormale Forschung und Verteidigung sind gefordert! Mit Freundin Liz und Fischmensch Abe legt er los. Doch sein Gegner ist unsterblich.
In this continuation to the adventure of the demon superhero, an evil elf breaks an ancient pact between humans and creatures, as he declares war against humanity. He is on a mission to release The Golden Army, a deadly group of fighting machines that can destroy the human race. As Hell on Earth is ready to erupt, Hellboy and his crew set out to defeat the evil prince.
In this continuation to the adventure of the demon superhero, an evil elf breaks an ancient pact between humans and creatures, as he declares war against humanity. He is on a mission to release The Golden Army, a deadly group of fighting machines that can destroy the human race. As Hell on Earth is ready to erupt, Hellboy and his crew set out to defeat the evil prince.