Hetzjagd - Lauf um dein Leben
Vadim ShmelyovSchauspieler:
Anfisa Chekhova, Dmitriy Kubasov, Artyom Mazunov, Ivan Nikolaev, Stas Shmelev, Karina Myndrovskaya, Evgeniya Khirivskaya, Aleksandr MakogonFür die neue TV-Show ‘Pionierlager’ werden fünf Jungen und fünf Mädchen gecastet. Sie müssen in einem alten sowjetischen Pioniercamp Prüfungen bestehen. Den Sieger erwarten Ruhm und ein hohes Preisgeld. Aber dann ändern sich die Regeln: Der mysteriöse Beobachter verkündet, dass nicht Geld, sondern das nackte Überleben der Hauptgewinn in diesem grausamen Spiel ist. Es schließen sich die Türen – Der Psychopath mit Pferdemaske und Sichel eröffnet die blutige Jagd …
On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.
On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.