Hidden Moon - Liebe auf Abwegen
Pepe BojórquezSchauspieler:
Wes Bentley, Ana Serradilla, Johnathon Schaech, Osvaldo de León, Linda Gray, Héctor Jiménez, Alejandra Ambrosi, Angélica María, Emily Baldoni, Chandra West, Jackson Hurst, Riley VoelkelBei der Beerdigung seines Vaters, ein wohlhabender südkalifornischer Patriarch, fällt Victor sofort eine attraktive lateinamerikanische Frau auf, die kein Familienmitglied zuvor gesehen hat. Um herauszufinden, wer die mysteriöse Schöne ist und was sie mit seinem Vater zu tun hatte, lässt Victor seine Verlobte zurück und reist nach Mexiko. Tatsächlich findet er Miranda im malerischen Guanajuato, wo sie mit einem Freund das Kerzengeschäft ihres Vaters leitet. Victor ist fasziniert.
So richtig auf die Tränendrüse drückt der mexikanische Regisseur José Pepe Bojórquez in seiner South-of-the-Border-Romanze, in der die Gefühle hoch kochen und sich vielsagende Blicke zugeworfen werden, als gelte es, Telenovela-Fans im Kinoformat zu begeistern. Mit Wes Bentley ("American Beauty") und Johnathon Schaech ("The Doom Generation") hat er zwei Hollywood-Darsteller gewonnen, die an der Seite der schnuckeligen Ana Serradilla ihr Bestes geben. Ein Plus neben den Namen sind die authentischen mexikanischen Locations.
After a mysterious, beautiful Latin woman named Miranda makes a dramatic appearance at the funeral of a man, shocking his affluent Southern California family, Victor, the man's son, heads to Mexico to find out the truth about the nature of her relationship with his dead father. He finds Miranda in the city of Guanajuato living with another man, Tobias. When Victor confronts Miranda, she denies meeting his father and says they will never hear from her again. If Miranda is telling the truth, what exactly was she doing at Victor's father's funeral? Who is the man that she is living with now? Their confrontation is the beginning of a chain of events where the protagonists will have to solve the dilemma that happens when true love comes twice at the same time.
After a mysterious, beautiful Latin woman named Miranda makes a dramatic appearance at the funeral of a man, shocking his affluent Southern California family, Victor, the man's son, heads to Mexico to find out the truth about the nature of her relationship with his dead father. He finds Miranda in the city of Guanajuato living with another man, Tobias. When Victor confronts Miranda, she denies meeting his father and says they will never hear from her again. If Miranda is telling the truth, what exactly was she doing at Victor's father's funeral? Who is the man that she is living with now? Their confrontation is the beginning of a chain of events where the protagonists will have to solve the dilemma that happens when true love comes twice at the same time.