Hilfe, ich hab meine Freunde geschrumpft
Granz HenmanSchauspieler:
Oskar Keymer, Lina Hüesker, Anja Kling, Axel Stein, Andrea Sawatzki, Otto Waalkes, Michael Ostrowski, Julia Hartmann, Johannes Zeiler, Cosima Henman, Eloi Christ, Georg Sulzer, Tobias Schäfer, Lorna zu SolmsAls die neue Schülerin Melanie am Otto-Leonhard-Gymnasium auftaucht, steht die Welt von Felix Kopf. Sehr zum Argwohn von Ella und Felix’ Gang: Sie glauben, dass Melanie hinter vielen kleinen Diebstählen steckt, die seit ihrem Auftauchen an der Schule passieren. Auf der Klassenfahrt spitzen sich die Dinge dann rasant zu, nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil Felix zuvor durch den Schulgeist Otto Leonhard in das Geheimnis des Schrumpfens eingeweiht wurde. Als Felix‘ Freunde ihm beinahe sein Date mit Melanie vermasseln, schrumpft er sie spontan auf ein Zehntel ihrer Größe – und plötzlich läuft alles so gar nicht mehr nach Plan.
Fortsetzung der Kinderfilmreihe um den Teenager Felix, der nun seine Freunde schrumpfen lässt.
Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip. When Felix’s friends almost mess up his date with Melanie, he shrinks them spontaneously to a tenth of their size. Just for a short time, he thinks to himself. But once Melanie has left, the magic ball to restoring his friends to their proper size has also disappeared. Is Melanie behind the thefts after all? In the process, Felix not only has to shrink himself, he also must confess his love to Melanie and admit his mistakes to his friends.
Melanie is a new pupil at the Otto Leonhard High School, and Felix takes a real shine to this newbie, much to the annoyance of Ella and Felix’s gang. They believe that Melanie is responsible for a number of small thefts that have been happening at the school since she arrived. Events take a drastic turn when the class goes on a school trip. When Felix’s friends almost mess up his date with Melanie, he shrinks them spontaneously to a tenth of their size. Just for a short time, he thinks to himself. But once Melanie has left, the magic ball to restoring his friends to their proper size has also disappeared. Is Melanie behind the thefts after all? In the process, Felix not only has to shrink himself, he also must confess his love to Melanie and admit his mistakes to his friends.