Hilfe, ich hab meine Lehrerin geschrumpft
Sven Unterwaldt Jr.Schauspieler:
Justus von Dohnányi, Anja Kling, Axel Stein, Oskar KeymerWer wird dem 11-jährigen Felix jemals glauben, dass er die von allen gehasste Schuldirektorin Dr. Schmitt-Gössenwein auf die Größe von 15 Zentimeter „geschrumpft“ hat? Er weiß ja selbst nicht, wie das passiert ist und ob es vielleicht etwas mit dem Geist des Schulgründers zu tun hat? Aber das Problem hat er nun am Hals, genauer gesagt im Rucksack. Denn da steckt sie nun, die kleine Direktorin, und schimpft immer noch. Gemeinsam mit seiner Freundin Ella und gegen den Widerstand seines Rivalen Mario und dessen Vater muss er alles versuchen, um sie wieder auf ihre normale Größe zu bekommen. Wenn sie dabei doch nur nicht so nerven würde!
After the eleven-year old Felix (Oskar Keymar) flown by several schools, is now the Otto Leonhard school his last chance. But already the first day there is as little promising. Although he finds in the bustling Ella (Lina Hüesker) quickly a new girlfriend, but its new Director and teacher Dr. Schmitt Gössenwein (Anja Kling) is obnoxious and on top of that the boys in his class are called him above all, the arrogant Mario (Georg Sulzer), not just welcome. To be accepted by them, Felix should be multiple tests of courage. The first is that it breaks in the evening in the school. When attempting to Mrs. Schmitt Gössenwein caught him but all people.
After the eleven-year old Felix (Oskar Keymar) flown by several schools, is now the Otto Leonhard school his last chance. But already the first day there is as little promising. Although he finds in the bustling Ella (Lina Hüesker) quickly a new girlfriend, but its new Director and teacher Dr. Schmitt Gössenwein (Anja Kling) is obnoxious and on top of that the boys in his class are called him above all, the arrogant Mario (Georg Sulzer), not just welcome. To be accepted by them, Felix should be multiple tests of courage. The first is that it breaks in the evening in the school. When attempting to Mrs. Schmitt Gössenwein caught him but all people.