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Yuki Aoyama, Iggy CoenSchauspieler:
Tenka Hashimoto, Yukichi Kobayashi, Mayu Mitsui, Kazue Akita, Reiko Hayama, Hajime Inoue, Ini Kusano, Mika Yano, Yûki Aoyama, Kenji Iwatani, Itto Shimada, Tsunanori FukushimaSexy Fantasy-Komödie mit gewagter Erotik. Als ihre Eltern heiraten, werden Mitsuki und Yuya zu Stiefgeschwistern. Während beide noch mit ihren neuen Rollen kämpfen, fährt plötzlich die Seele der kürzlich verstorbenen Hiyori in Mitsuki. Diese war zu Lebzeiten in Yuya verliebt und sieht nur eine Chance, endlich in den Himmel zu gelangen: Mitsuki muss ein Tabu brechen. Ein pikanter Plan beginnt!
Mitsuki and Yuya become stepsister and stepbrother because of their parents' marriage. Mitsuki can't get along with her new family and Yuya doesn't know how to approach his new stepsister. One day, Mitsuki becomes possessed by the spirit of Hiyori. Hiyori likes Yuya and believes Yuya can help her get to heaven. Hiyori places a leather chastity belt upon on Mitsuki and a plan takes place to help send Hiyori to heaven.
Mitsuki and Yuya become stepsister and stepbrother because of their parents' marriage. Mitsuki can't get along with her new family and Yuya doesn't know how to approach his new stepsister. One day, Mitsuki becomes possessed by the spirit of Hiyori. Hiyori likes Yuya and believes Yuya can help her get to heaven. Hiyori places a leather chastity belt upon on Mitsuki and a plan takes place to help send Hiyori to heaven.