Stefan RuzowitzkySchauspieler:
Murathan Muslu, Liv Lisa Fries, Max von der Groeben, Marc Limpach, Matthias Schweighöfer, Margarethe Tiesel, Maximilien Jadin, Aaron Friesz, Stipe Erceg, Timo Wagner, Trystan Pütter, Germain Wagner, Peter Moucka, Milton Martins, Miriam Fontaine, Marlene PribilAnfang der 1920er-Jahre in Wien: Der ehemalige Kriminalbeamte Peter Perg kehrt nach sieben Jahren in russischer Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Den Kaiser, für den er einst kämpfte und dann ins Gefängnis ging, gibt es schon längst nicht mehr. Nun, wieder zuhause, kommt er sich vor wie ein Fremd-körper in seiner eigenen Welt. Als eine schrecklicher Mordreihe beginnt, holt Peters Vergangenheit ihn ein. Peter erkennt, dass er zu allen Opfern eine persönliche Verbindung hatte und dass nur er den Täter schnappen kann. Gemeinsam mit der Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Theresa Körner nimmt er die Ermittlungen auf.
Starbesetzter historischer Thriller über einen Kriminalbeamten, der aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurückkehrt und es direkt mit einem Serientäter aufnehmen muss.
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after years of captivity. But the Vienna he comes home to is nothing like the place he once knew. The new Austrian Republic thrives on social and artistic freedom, but anti-democratic movements and unemployment loom overhead. A stranger in his hometown, his life takes a turn for the worse when one of his former comrades is murdered. Suddenly the mysterious killings of veterans are mounting. Personally connected to the victims, Perg decides to bring the killer to justice. He finds an ally in the cool-headed forensic doctor Theresa Körner, with whom he has a deeper, shared history. Their investigation leads them into the darkest corners of the city, as they confront a brutal and systematic killer and intrigues from within the police force. But when the killer’s net closes around Perg himself, he faces the moral dilemma of his life.
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after years of captivity. But the Vienna he comes home to is nothing like the place he once knew. The new Austrian Republic thrives on social and artistic freedom, but anti-democratic movements and unemployment loom overhead. A stranger in his hometown, his life takes a turn for the worse when one of his former comrades is murdered. Suddenly the mysterious killings of veterans are mounting. Personally connected to the victims, Perg decides to bring the killer to justice. He finds an ally in the cool-headed forensic doctor Theresa Körner, with whom he has a deeper, shared history. Their investigation leads them into the darkest corners of the city, as they confront a brutal and systematic killer and intrigues from within the police force. But when the killer’s net closes around Perg himself, he faces the moral dilemma of his life.