Hochzeit auf italienisch
Vittorio De SicaSchauspieler:
Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Gianni Ridolfi, Generoso Cortini, Vito Moricone, Rita Piccione, Alfio Vita, Pia LindströmDer neapolitanische Geschäftsmann Domenico macht die junge Prostituierte Filumena zu seiner Geliebten. Ihr Verhältnis streckt sich über zwei Jahrzehnte, während derer Filumena in Domenicos Geschäften aushilft und heimlich drei Kinder zur Welt bringt. Als Domenico eine jüngere Angestellte heiraten will, gibt Filumena vor todkrank zu sein und bringt Domenico so dazu, stattdessen sie zu heiraten. Domenico kommt hinter ihre List und lässt die Ehe annullieren. Doch so leicht gibt Filumena nicht auf: sie präsentiert ihre drei Sprösslinge, behauptet, einer davon sei Domenicos Sohn, und weigert sich zu verraten, welcher.
Italienische Tragikomödie, in der Sophia Loren Marcello Mastroianni beweist, wer den längeren Atem hat.
In Naples, in the Second World War, the wolf businessman Domenico Soriano meets the seventeen years old whore Filumena Marturano in a brothel during an allied bombing. Two years later, in the post-war, they meet each other by chance and begin a long affair. For twenty-two years, Filumena is his mistress and administrates his shops in Naples while Domenico is traveling. When Domenico decides to marry the young cashier of his bakery, Filumena lures him as if she were near to death and he marries her. Later he annuls their matrimony, and she tells him that she has three sons that she raised secretly, one of them is his legitimate son but she does not disclose his identity. The middle-age Domenico uses the most different subterfuges trying to find which teenager might be his son.
In Naples, in the Second World War, the wolf businessman Domenico Soriano meets the seventeen years old whore Filumena Marturano in a brothel during an allied bombing. Two years later, in the post-war, they meet each other by chance and begin a long affair. For twenty-two years, Filumena is his mistress and administrates his shops in Naples while Domenico is traveling. When Domenico decides to marry the young cashier of his bakery, Filumena lures him as if she were near to death and he marries her. Later he annuls their matrimony, and she tells him that she has three sons that she raised secretly, one of them is his legitimate son but she does not disclose his identity. The middle-age Domenico uses the most different subterfuges trying to find which teenager might be his son.