Hochzeitsnacht im Regen
Horst SeemannSchauspieler:
Traudl Kulikowsky, Frank Schöbel, Gerhard Bienert, Günter Junghans, Herbert Köfer, Agnes Kraus, Evamaria Bath, Elke Rieckhoff, Gerd Ehlers, Dietmar Obst, Peter Reusse, Axel Dietrich, Ina Martell, Horst Kube, Peter Dommisch, Gina PresgottAn der Ostseeküste mit Pferden aufgewachsen, will die junge Friseuse Gaby Jockey werden. Sie fährt nach Hoppegarten und blitzt beim Cheftrainer ab. Um ein Dach über dem Kopf zu haben, heiratet sie überstürzt den sympathischen Freddy, der ihr aber nur den Zeltplatz bieten kann. Der gutmütige Stallmeister in Hoppegarten lässt Gaby heimlich trainieren. Freddy verkauft sein Motorrad, um Gaby die Teilnahme am Nachwuchsrennen in Ungarn zu finanzieren. Sie siegt und so findet die nachträgliche Hochzeitsfeier in Budapest statt.
This comedic musical tells the story of Gabi, a young hairdresser from the Baltic coast who desperately wants to be a jockey. One day, she packs her bags, drives to Hoppegarten, and is soundly rejected by the head coach. Gabi doesn't want to give up, and in order to at least have a roof over her head, she rushes into a marriage with the seemingly nice Freddie. However, this marriage soon proves to be her second rejection, as Freddie openly dislikes the fact that she wants to be a jockey.
This comedic musical tells the story of Gabi, a young hairdresser from the Baltic coast who desperately wants to be a jockey. One day, she packs her bags, drives to Hoppegarten, and is soundly rejected by the head coach. Gabi doesn't want to give up, and in order to at least have a roof over her head, she rushes into a marriage with the seemingly nice Freddie. However, this marriage soon proves to be her second rejection, as Freddie openly dislikes the fact that she wants to be a jockey.