Hope and Glory - Der Krieg der Kinder
John BoormanSchauspieler:
Sebastian Rice-Edwards, Geraldine Muir, Sarah Miles, David Hayman, Sammi Davis, Derrick O'Connor, Susan Wooldridge, Jean-Marc Barr, Ian Bannen, Annie Leon, Jill Baker, Amelda Brown, Katrine Boorman, Shelagh Fraser, Colin Higgins, Nicky TaylorFür den 9jährigen Bill beginnt in seinem Londoner Vorort mit Ausbruch des II. Weltkriegs eine aufregende Zeit. Sein Vater zieht in den Krieg, die ersten Bomben fallen und die Trümmerlandschaft wird zum idealen Abenteuerspielplatz. Als sein Elternhaus zerbombt wird, zieht er mit seiner Mutter und den Schwestern zum Großvater ans Ufer der Themse und verbringt dort eine unbeschwerte Zeit. Bill ist wunschlos glücklich, als rechtzeitig zum Ferienende die Schule zerstört wird.
Heiter-besinnliche, perfekt inszenierte Komödie, die es versteht, Tragisches und Komisches unnachahmlich zu verschmelzen.
British writer/director John Boorman (The Emerald Forest) draws us into an astonishing and exhilarating portrait of his own childhood, set against the terrors of a London torn apart by the onset of WWII. Seven-year-old Billy Rohan (Sebastian Rice Edwards) finds his childhood to be atime of great dangerand even greater discovery. From thunderous bombings at his own doorstep andthe constant threat of Luftwaffe air raids to the landing of a German paratrooper in his neighborhood and the joyous obliteration of his much-hated school, Billy's young life is shapedand even enrichedby the one positive thing war has brought him: liberation from the ordinary. And though Billy is surrounded by decimation and the smoking remnants of ruined lives, his sense of enchanted wonderment and innocence in the face of man's most destructive folly affect him in a way that alters his life forever.
British writer/director John Boorman (The Emerald Forest) draws us into an astonishing and exhilarating portrait of his own childhood, set against the terrors of a London torn apart by the onset of WWII. Seven-year-old Billy Rohan (Sebastian Rice Edwards) finds his childhood to be atime of great dangerand even greater discovery. From thunderous bombings at his own doorstep andthe constant threat of Luftwaffe air raids to the landing of a German paratrooper in his neighborhood and the joyous obliteration of his much-hated school, Billy's young life is shapedand even enrichedby the one positive thing war has brought him: liberation from the ordinary. And though Billy is surrounded by decimation and the smoking remnants of ruined lives, his sense of enchanted wonderment and innocence in the face of man's most destructive folly affect him in a way that alters his life forever.