Petter NæssSchauspieler:
Ali Abdulsalam, Richard Jarl, Peter Stormare, Per Fritzell, Lina Welander, Marie GöranzonDas erklärte Vorbild des jungen Kurden Azad (Ali Abdulsalam) ist die schwedische Hochspringerin Kajsa Bergqvist, der er nach Kräften nacheifert. Als er wegen des Kriegs in seiner Heimat samt seinem Bruder Tigris (Ronas Gemici) von der Familie getrennt wird, hat er Idole bitter nötig. Er landet ausgerechnet illegal in Schweden, wo es ihm anfangs sehr schwer fällt, Fuß zu fassen. Aber mit der Freundschaft zu einem Einheimischen (Peter Stormare) beginnt sich das Blatt zu wenden.
Der seit seinem internationalen Arthaus-Erfolg "Elling" beliebte Petter Næss legt mit einem Feelgood-Movie über Flüchtlingsschicksale und Integration nach, beschreibt aus subjektiver Perspektive eine Sportlerkarriere und die Überwindung des Kriegstraumas.
The Kurdish boys Azad and Tigris are brothers. Due to an airstrike Tigris cannot speak anymore. They are sent to an uncle in Germany, the parents plan to come soon afterwards. The boys travel through Sweden and are accompanied by another family until Sweden. They get stuck there and have to live with the family in Sweden.Azad is good at high jumping and gets the opportunity to travel to Germany for a competition. However, he has no passport. Therefore he borrows the passport of a Swedish friend, and changes his appearance to look like the picture: he puts in blue lenses and dyes his hair blonde. Tigris is smuggled into Germany in a suitcase. When he is about to be discovered by the border guard, the latter is distracted with conversation, and they can move on.In Germany Azad wins the competition and is reunited with his parents.
The Kurdish boys Azad and Tigris are brothers. Due to an airstrike Tigris cannot speak anymore. They are sent to an uncle in Germany, the parents plan to come soon afterwards. The boys travel through Sweden and are accompanied by another family until Sweden. They get stuck there and have to live with the family in Sweden.Azad is good at high jumping and gets the opportunity to travel to Germany for a competition. However, he has no passport. Therefore he borrows the passport of a Swedish friend, and changes his appearance to look like the picture: he puts in blue lenses and dyes his hair blonde. Tigris is smuggled into Germany in a suitcase. When he is about to be discovered by the border guard, the latter is distracted with conversation, and they can move on.In Germany Azad wins the competition and is reunited with his parents.