Hostile Territory - Durch Feindliches Gebiet
Brian PresleySchauspieler:
Brian Presley, Matt McCoy, Brad Leland, Brea Bee, Lew Temple, Craig Tate, Cooper North, Natalie WhittleWährend des Bürgerkrieges gerät Soldat Jack in Kriegsgefangenschaft. Nach seiner Freilassung erfährt er, dass seine Frau gestorben ist, Jack wurde für tot erklärt. Seine Kinder, irrtümlich für Waisen gehalten, werden mit dem Zug in den gefährlichen Westen gebracht, zu ihren neuen Adoptiveltern. Jack setzt Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung, um den Zug zu stoppen, bevor dieser durch Feindesland rollt.
Actionreicher Bürgerkriegs-Western über einen blutigen wie verzweifelten Wettlauf gegen die Zeit.
Former P.O.W. Jack Calgrove moves Heaven and Earth to be reunited with his children following the Civil War. After returning home, Jack discovers that his wife has tragically died and his children, presumed to be orphans, are heading deep into the West on a train crossing enemy lines, with the intent of being placed into new homes. Calgrove and another soldier team up with a troop of Native American sharpshooters and a freed slave as they try to stop the train.
Former P.O.W. Jack Calgrove moves Heaven and Earth to be reunited with his children following the Civil War. After returning home, Jack discovers that his wife has tragically died and his children, presumed to be orphans, are heading deep into the West on a train crossing enemy lines, with the intent of being placed into new homes. Calgrove and another soldier team up with a troop of Native American sharpshooters and a freed slave as they try to stop the train.