Hotel Desire
Sergej MoyaSchauspieler:
Saralisa Volm, Clemens Schick, Jan-Gregor Kremp, Herbert Knaup, Frederick Lau, Palina Rojinski, Trystan Wyn PuetterAntonia kommt schon wieder zu spät zur Arbeit in einem feinen Berliner Hotel. Der kleine Sohn ist schuld, und irgendwie natürlich auch Antonia selbst, die ihn gerade noch rechtzeitig am Schulbus absetzt. Im Hotel wartet schon der strenge Chef mit der Stoppuhr, und irgendwie sieht es überhaupt nicht so aus, als könnte dies noch ihr Tag werden. Bis sie sie beim Auffüllen der Minibars an den blinden Julius gerät. Julius steht der Sinn nach Sex, und auch Antonia hätte nichts dagegen, ganze sieben Jahre nach dem letzten Mal.
Crowdfunding heißt das Modewort der Saison in Deutschlands Filmlandschaft, was bedeutet, Fans um Geld anzubetteln für eine Idee, für die sich keine übliche Finanzierung oder Förderung fand. 170.000 Euro kamen zusammen für diesen locker-flockigen Sexfilm, was zwar nicht für volle 90 Minuten, immerhin aber für eine heiße Bettszene und einige ebenso sympathische wie überzeugende Darsteller reichte. Gelungenes Experiment so weit, Erotikfreunde riskieren einen Blick.
The story is about a woman who lives alone. Her son went to his father in another place. The first character is a maid in a hotel to serve the people. First, she got some serious problems in her job. She couldn't take care of both, her job and her son. Her supervisor solved some her problems because he was a good man and may like her. She was not rich and proud, she listened her colleague advice about sex because she didn't have sex for about seven years. She went accidentally to a room who a blind man is living. He was naked after a shower and he talked on his phone. after that, he looked for his socks but he touched the maid body that listened his conversation and be completely quiet. then they started to do sex.
The story is about a woman who lives alone. Her son went to his father in another place. The first character is a maid in a hotel to serve the people. First, she got some serious problems in her job. She couldn't take care of both, her job and her son. Her supervisor solved some her problems because he was a good man and may like her. She was not rich and proud, she listened her colleague advice about sex because she didn't have sex for about seven years. She went accidentally to a room who a blind man is living. He was naked after a shower and he talked on his phone. after that, he looked for his socks but he touched the maid body that listened his conversation and be completely quiet. then they started to do sex.