Hotline zum Himmel
Daniel AdamsSchauspieler:
Sandra Bullock, Jerzy Kosinski, Jonathan Penner, George Plimpton, Gerald Orange, José TorresMorris, ein chaotischer New Yorker Werbetexter, ist vom Pech verfolgt. Seine Slogans kommen nicht mehr an, er liegt im Dauerclinch mit Freundin Debbie und sein bester Freund wird der Alkohol. Eines Tages erscheint ihm via TV Gott persönlich und gibt ihm den Tip, sich selbständig zu machen. Morris gründet eine Religionsfirma, verpflichtet einen charismatischen Führer und predigt fortan höchst profitabel Egoismus und Ehrgeiz. Nur Debbie will von dem neuen Morris nichts mehr wissen.
Von Regie-Newcomer Daniel Adams stammt diese heitere Komödienparodie auf Yuppie-Attitüde und religiöses Unternehmertum aus dem Jahr 1989.
Sandra Bullock and Jonathan Penner star in this hilarious, sexy comedy. New York advertising executive Morris Codman (Penner) seems to have it all - lots of talent and a beautiful girlfriend, Debbie (Bullock). When he loses his job he decides to use his advertising expertise to create, package and market a shady product that will make him millions. Debbie tries to convince him that money isn't everything and she loves him just the way he is. Morris' bizarre antics in promoting his product surprisingly lead to a fortune, but can love survive his quest for the almighty dollar?
Sandra Bullock and Jonathan Penner star in this hilarious, sexy comedy. New York advertising executive Morris Codman (Penner) seems to have it all - lots of talent and a beautiful girlfriend, Debbie (Bullock). When he loses his job he decides to use his advertising expertise to create, package and market a shady product that will make him millions. Debbie tries to convince him that money isn't everything and she loves him just the way he is. Morris' bizarre antics in promoting his product surprisingly lead to a fortune, but can love survive his quest for the almighty dollar?