Hüftgold - Eine zuckersüße Liebesgeschichte
Cathryn MichonSchauspieler:
Cathryn Michon, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Diedrich Bader, Jill Holden, Haylie Duff, Jane Morris, Wayne Federman, Michael Hawley, Melissa Peterman, David Arquette, RettaProfessorin Suzanne kämpft gegen das heutige Frauenbild in der Werbung - super-schlank und makellos. Bis sie ausgerechnet an ihrem Geburtstag von ihrem Mann verlassen wird - wegen einer jüngeren und schlankeren Frau. Überzeugt, dass ihr "nicht ganz so ideales" weibliches Erscheinungsbild die Ursache für die Trennung ist, macht sie sich verzweifelt auf, genau diesem Frauenbild des überperfekten Supermodels nachzueifern. Was allerdings gehörig in die Hose geht, bis sie realisiert, dass das Single-Leben in Los Angeles durchaus seine Vorzüge hat und niemand ganz perfekt ist.
Unterhaltsame Komödie, die Selbstliebe trotz Unzulänglichkeiten propagiert.
"Muffin Top: A Love Story" is the story of Suzanne (Cathryn Michon) a Women's Studies Pop Culture professor at Malibu University, who studies images of women in the media for a living, and yet is made insecure by the constant parade of female perfection that is our airbrushed culture. She has been going through IVF treatments to get pregnant by her network executive husband (Diedrich Bader), but discovers on her birthday, that her husband has knocked up his younger, skinnier, co-worker (Haylie Duff) and wants a divorce. Happy Birthday! She goes on to find a more authentic version of who she really is, despite the delights of being suddenly single in Los Angeles, where low self-esteem for women is our number one export to the world.
"Muffin Top: A Love Story" is the story of Suzanne (Cathryn Michon) a Women's Studies Pop Culture professor at Malibu University, who studies images of women in the media for a living, and yet is made insecure by the constant parade of female perfection that is our airbrushed culture. She has been going through IVF treatments to get pregnant by her network executive husband (Diedrich Bader), but discovers on her birthday, that her husband has knocked up his younger, skinnier, co-worker (Haylie Duff) and wants a divorce. Happy Birthday! She goes on to find a more authentic version of who she really is, despite the delights of being suddenly single in Los Angeles, where low self-esteem for women is our number one export to the world.